Volunteer Coordinators and Outreach Team

Meet the Team
From left to right: Angela Albin, Stephanie Jackson, Corey Jackson, Janet Paxton, Cindy Ryan, and Shannon Bruce.
Thank you to Central Lutheran Foundation, Chambers Family Foundation, McKay Family Foundation, and Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation for funding this work in our community!
Volunteers Needed!
CAFA is always looking for volunteers to monitor supervised visits through our Kids Connecting program. Those interested in volunteering will need to have a background check provided by CAFA. There will also be 20-25 hours of initial training. If you are interested in volunteering and need more information, please contact Echo Lucas @ 541-349-7562.
CAFA is also always looking for folks to partner with Safe Families for Children in whatever capacity they can. There are several volunteer opportunities and levels of involvement available. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering with Safe Families you can email Cindy at cindyr@cafaweb.com or complete our volunteer interest form here.