Donations help fund:
Kids Connecting, Supervised Visitation program for children who are not able to visit with their
parent without a third party present.
Safe Families for Children provides temporary respite for families in crisis. Donations support host families while they have a child in their care.
Financial help for family therapy sessions for families impacted by abuse.
Therapy groups created exclusively for children who have experienced or witnessed abuse.
Individual therapy for victims of domestic violence, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford counseling.
Therapeutic art groups for at risk homeless youth.
If you would like to partner with CAFA to continue this valuable and important work to our community, you can make a donation now.
Every gift is valuable and much appreciated. When you donate to CAFA, your gifts make a difference.

CAFA is always looking for volunteers to monitor supervised visits through our Kids Connecting program. Those interested in volunteering will need to have a background check provided by CAFA. There will also be 20-25 hours of initial training. If you are interested in volunteering and need more information, please contact Echo Lucas @ 541-349-7562.