Enhance your Relational Capacity

Outgrowing Power, Anger & Control (OPAC)- A Group Approach
Lane County Approved Batterer Intervention Program for Men & Women
OPAC group participants consist of those who are mandated and also those who are voluntarily taking classes to increase their emotional intelligence and relational capacity. Professionally led groups are for men and women who use anger and control destructively in relationships and desire to change. Completion of OPAC fulfills Oregon’s requirements for Domestic Violence offenses as well as referrals for Anger Management Programs.
OPAC groups are designed to increase the emotional intelligence of group participants. Specifically, we aim to increase empathy, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. In addition we hope to lay a foundational understanding of our nervous system and how to manage stress by introducing and practicing tools that give insight into new ways of thinking, behaving, and regulating our emotions and states when we find ourselves tipped over. The tools presented in the course are supportive of increasing a client's emotional regulation abilities as well as widening their window of tolerance. Graduates have reported that the tools presented in the groups were beneficial in all of their relationships from intimate and familial to professional.
The full OPAC curriculum is 48 weeks. Group members will attend 36-52 classes depending on his/her referring agent or agency. Participants attend one 90-minute group each week until completion of the program. Completion of the program involves both class attendance and financial responsibility.
OPAC’s curriculum is always adapting based on new research and evidence-based practices for working with families and individuals. Amidst these cutting edge approaches, the foundation of the trauma informed curriculum includes classes focused on:
Domestic Violence
Drugs & Alcohol
Being Assertive Vs. Aggressive
STOP process
Brain Function & Systems
Relationships- Conflict Styles, Communication Styles, Love Languages, & Perspective Taking.
People Building
Emotional Intelligence- Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, Empathy, Relationship Management.
High Cost of Battering
Trauma, ACES, & Repair
Parenting & the Impact of DV on Children
Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS)
Franklin Reality Model
Thinking Errors
Karpman Drama Triangle
Johari Window
Stages of Change
Brain State Model (Conscious Discipline)
Apology & Forgiveness
Guilt, Shame, & Vulnerability
Polyvagal Theory
Understanding Your Nervous System
Somatic Practices and Mindfulness
Groups are facilitated by Master’s level therapists, all of whom understand the Christian belief system and faith-based lifestyles but participants do not need to hold the same worldview to benefit from the curriculum. The class content remains secular.
Anyone 14+ who is interested in understanding their patterns of anger and wants to learn kinder, safer, more respectable ways of interacting with others is encouraged to sign up. Please know that because our agency serves children we are unable to provide groups and services to individuals with sex offenses, allegations, or pending investigations. If you have questions about this you may call the number below.
Individuals interested in joining an OPAC class must first complete an initial assessment appointment (parts 1 & 2) with an intake therapist. This appointment costs $160. Once the assessment is completed (parts 1 & 2), participants may begin attending classes which cost $55 each. CAFA is able to bill Lane County OHP CCOs : Trillium & Pacific Source Lane. We are also able to bill some private insurance companies. Payment plans are available.
CAFA’s group programs are not abstinence based.
Have your camera on or use the chat to explain why you are not on video.
Be present for 75 of the 90 minutes of class.
Respond to facilitators when called on verbally or in the chat.
How to report a life change to OHP >>>>
Has your phone number or address changed?
Please keep your information current with our front office. Updates can be texted to Sam @ 541-579-6265. You can also call the main office to update your information 541-686-6000.
*To avoid any out of pocket costs, it is important to keep your contact information current with your insurance as well.
Were you noncomplied from services?
If your were noncomplied from our program, are on bench probation, and are ready to reengage in the OPAC or Parenting groups you will need to request a rereferral from the Lane County Court. If you have an attorney or a Public Defender, they can file a motion for a rereferral. If you do not have legal representation you can submit a letter yourself by following the steps below.
Submit a letter in person or by mail to:
Lane County Court
125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401
Lane County District Attorney
125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401